Archive for April, 2011

In this peculiarly materialistic world, brands can become the object of quite passionate detestation. I confess that there are certain brands, usually for entirely irrational reasons, that make much of my bodily hair rebel against gravity. But the subject today is whether the Android brand attracts, at its core, not those who love Android, but those who hate Apple.


I ask because the Business Insider published the results of a survey it conducted that offer some prickly conclusions. Among more than 2,000 respondents, the survey seems to have found polarization beyond all comments sections of tech blogs. The majority of these public-spirited people were Android users.

The majority of these Android users purportedly would never consider buying an iPhone, for one very simply reason: They “hate Apple.”
Indeed, only 31.2 percent of these Android users would consider buying an iPhone if it “worked better with non-iPhone apps and products.” While 55.7 percent ticked the box that said, “Nothing: I hate Apple.”

Being somewhat survey-cynical, I am guessing that the mere existence of a box that said “hate Apple” was far too difficult for some enthusiastic people to resist. But is it possible that one of the Android brand’s most compelling characteristics is its appeal to those who have an irrational (or merely rational) hate of Apple?

The Android brand is increasingly becoming “a brand.” The little green short-legged robot thingy is adorning stores, ads, and even dancing in a frenzied manner in shopping malls. See this Video 🙂

There are many who are happy with their Android phones, and, if this survey is to be believed, the majority of these people will upgrade only to another Android phone. But the results of this survey throw up a difficult conundrum: if the majority of Android users won’t buy Apple because of “hate,” then do they secretly believe that the iPhone is actually better than their own phone, but produced by a loathsome company?

One has to be also somewhat open-eyed about who responded to this survey.

The majority of respondents apparently said that the most important things for them when choosing a smartphone were “features” and “platform.” This seems remarkably left-brained and therefore remarkably inhuman. Which suggests that many of the respondents might have been tech-leaning insiders, rather than a true cross-section of the outside world.

I have a strange hunch that ease of use, simplicity of design and, yes, the cool factor might just enjoy prominent seats at the decision-making high table for many people. It’s harder in a survey to explain how a product is emotionally better, rather than rationally so. It’s easier to say that you just hate another brand. So it may well be that Android users believe their phones are easy to use, well-designed, and cool. But the survey may not have given them the chance to explain it.

It’s also tempting to conclude that if the Android brand really lives on a pedestal of Apple-loathing, then one can only wonder how many brands have ever had lengthy success purely by virtue of not being the “hated” brand. Do, for example, people stick with Verizon merely because it’s not AT&T? Or might there be some more positive notion?

Some believe that the iPhone succeeds simply because people assume it’s better and so don’t even try anything else. But wouldn’t it be lovely to learn why Android makes people happy, rather than this quaint and, frankly, suspicious notion that most of its users are card-carrying Apple-haters?

Developed countries spend billions of dollars every year on research and development of new technologies to make our lives easier. Scientific research has become an integral part of a nation’s economic stability. Here I have listed the Top 10 List of the world’s most technologically oriented nations.

Tech Driven...

Tech Driven...

1. Finland

Finland is most technologically-oriented country in the world. Well known for high-technology projects and healthcare facilities, Finland ranks as the best country in the world in the 2010 Newsweek survey in terms of health, economic dynamism, education, political environment and quality of life. Finland has a highly industrialised mixed economy with a per capita output equal to that of other European economies such as France, Germany, Belgium or the UK.

2. USA

The United States has been a leader in scientific research and technological innovation since the late 19th century.

Alexander Graham Bell won the first US patent for the telephone in 1876. America holds the credit for some of the major inventions like the long-lasting light bulb, and the first viable movie camera, alternating current, the AC motor, and radio.

The government has invested in scientific research and technological development leading to major breakthroughs in spaceflight, computing, and biotechnology. It also has the world’s highest number of scientific research papers.

3. Japan

Japan is known for its prowess in consumer electronics, robotics and the automotive industry.

Japan is one of the leading nations in the fields of scientific research, technology, machinery and medical research. It has world’s third largest budget for research and development at $130 billion and over 677,731 researchers. Japan also holds the distinction of receiving the maximum number of science Nobel prizes in Asia. Japan has more than half of the world’s industrial robots used in the manufacturing sector.

4. Sweden

A research powerhouse, Sweden allocates about four per cent of GDP to research and development (R&D).

Sweden tops European comparative statistics both in terms of research investments as a percentage of GDP and in the number of published scientific works per capita.

5. Republic of Korea

Korea shines in the field of electronics, automobiles, ships, machinery, petrochemicals and robotics. The world’s second walking human robot-HUBO was made in Korea. Korea plans to have a robot in every house.

The broadband speed is unparalleled, almost 3 times than that of United States.

6. The Netherlands

The Netherlands has a highly developed electrotechnical industry that manufactures computers, telecommunication systems, electronic measurement and control equipment, electric switching gear and transformers, and medical and scientific instruments.
Dutch firms play a major role in the European Space Agency. The Netherlands has made significant strides with inventions like the artificial kidney, compact disc, microscope, pendulum clock and telescope.

7. United Kingdom

The world’s sixth largest economy by nominal GDP and eighth largest economy by purchasing power parity plays an important role.

The world’s first industrialised country has to its credit the discovery of hydrogen, invention of locomotive engine, jet engine, World Wide Web, incandescent light-bulb; world’s first working television, electric motor, and commercial electrical telegraph.

8. Singapore

Singapore has been ranked amongst the world’s ten most open competitive and innovative nations.

One of the most business-friendly economies, it has a S$1.35 billion Industry Alignment Fund to help Singapore become an innovation driven and knowledge-based economy. The fund will be used for public and private-sector projects in research and development.

9. Canada

Canada has a highly developed technology sector. The government allocates 1.8 per cent of its GDP for research and development.

The Science, Technology and Innovation Council was launched in May 2007 to improve quality of life for Canadians through science and technology.

Canada is investing heavily in science and technology to create more jobs and build a stronger economy.

10. Australia

Australia is the world’s thirteenth largest economy. It scores high in human development, quality of life, health care, life expectancy, public education and economic freedom.

The main focus of research and development is on information and communications, biotechnology and manufacturing. Australia’s strength lies in the areas of astronomical and space sciences.

If your friends come to know that you paid to have a fake girlfriend you will become a laughing stock. that is much worse than not able to have a girlfriend. But lets keep that aside and see at a interesting new service offering a very unusual Startup 🙂 “”CLOUD GIRLFRIEND”” ???


Do you want to change your ‘single’ status on Facebook to ‘in a relationship’? Well, a new service is here to help you. A fake companion service, called ‘Cloud Girlfriend’, is being launched for the lonely hearts.

The service promises users with empty Facebook walls the chance to make their friends jealous. So, how does it work?

You just have to describe your dream girlfriend to the company, which then creates a fake profile and starts sending pokes your way.

The instructions on the ‘Cloud Girlfriend’ website read:

1: Define your perfect girlfriend.

2: We bring her into existence.

3: Connect and interact with her publicly on your favourite social network.

4: Enjoy a public long distance relationship with your perfect girl.

There are too many things from an ID protection point of view, a privacy point of view, using the net with best practice in terms of safety and online safety and security, helping young people to use it in a positive way and using social networking in a positive way. This opens the door to serious problems jumping up, What do you think.

Check there Website: people have swamped it already ;))

The “perfect girlfriend” then sends you public messages on your Facebook wall, so you can deceive your friends into thinking you have a girlfriend as well as make you feel like you have a companion.

Cloud Girlfriend will consist of a network of real human beings, not automated bots, that users will interact with over Facebook.
It can help guys get a girlfriend. If visitors to your Facebook profile to see wall posts from your imaginary sweetheart, they might think, “Someone else thinks highly enough of this person to date him, so maybe I should too.”

Cloud Girlfriend is not a porn site or adult chat service. (Although it does remind us a hotline where you can talk to someone of the opposite sex if you’re lonely.) The site has a therapeutic value and can fulfill psychological needs like intimacy and friendship even though the interaction is virtual. He also maintains that these interactions can even build self confidence and help users navigate real-life situations.

Oh and keep in mind that April Fools’ Day is over, so any dumb tech news you hear could either be fake or just plain dumb. Sometimes both.

I will be posting some cool tech startups in my upcoming posts so keep checking back..